Letter to Phoebe- Six Months

Dear Phoebe,

I can hardly believe it's been six months since we first met. In such a short time you've filled our hearts to bursting with your contagious joy for life. You are the happiest babe and delight everyone you meet with your big smile and bright eyes. Our lives are all the more richer for having you in it, sweet girl.

Whenever I greet you upon waking you kick your legs and bob your head from side to side. We call it your happy dance and it is quite possibly the cutest thing about you. I never want to forget it.

You are wonderful company and I thoroughly enjoy our girl time during the day while Leo naps. Having a daughter is everything I thought would be. In this last month there have been more milestones such as you moving into a cot, trying solids for the first time (broccoli, banana and rice cereal to be precise), sitting in the high chair, commando crawling and discovering your voice.

Perhaps my favourite memory of you this month is when you realised we have a cat. Hector walked into the lounge room and as soon as you spotted him you 'crawled' over to say Hello. You spent the next few minutes patting and admiring him. I loved how eager you were and so brave!

As well as being brave and curious, you've proven yourself to be incredibly patient and long suffering, particularly with your brother. While there have been a few bumps and scratches at his hand there have also been plenty of smiles and laughter shared between the two of you. This makes my heart sing and I never tire of watching you play and giggle together.

You still have some sweet little thigh rolls and chubby cheeks that I enjoy tickling. I love that you're getting bigger, if only to squeeze and cuddle you tighter. To be on the receiving end of your smiles, squeals and happy dances is so special.

Being your Mum is the absolute best and it is truly a delight to celebrate six months of you, our darling Phoebe Elwyn.

Love Mum xx


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