Letter to Phoebe- Four Months
Can you really be four months? It's passed so quickly. I think this last month has been my favourite with you so far. You've mastered rolling over (front to back and back to front) and sitting up on your arms. I think I've mentioned before how much you love tummy-time? Well, that hasn't changed. Except now, you'll wriggle yourself around so much that you're never quite where I first placed you down. You so desperately want to be on the move don't you? You kick your chunky little legs and watch with bright eyes as everyone moves around you. Especially Leo, the show-off!
This past month we've also heard the beginning of your laugh. It's the sweetest sound. You're ticklish under your ribs and also enjoy being bounced up and down in mine or Daddy's lap. Both leave you bursting with happy coos and giggles. You're the happiest baby (even at 3 am) and it so easy to take care of you despite all the early mornings and midnight feeds.
I've noticed you really like to be included in whatever is happening so I often carry you around the house or push you in the pram and narrate what I'm doing, however ordinary. While Leo sits at the table and draws or enjoys his morning tea I'll usually sit you on my lap so you can see what he's doing. We're nearing the time to introduce you to solids and I can't wait. I think Leo will enjoy it too because finally, he won't be the one responsible for the mess.
Now that it's getting cooler you often spend our days at home in a onesie. While you have a lovely girly collection with soft pinks, purples and blues, I've also dressed you in some of Leo's more 'gender neutral' onesies too. If simply to reminisce about baby Leo and marvel that here we are, two years later with a new little body filling them out. I can't believe how much you've grown, it's happening at lightning pace! We'll be moving you to Leo's cot sooner rather than later because you're nearly hitting the top of your bassinet you're that tall. Earlier this week when I went to you after you woke from a nap, I came in to find you completely untucked and on your tummy looking around. If I leave moving you for much longer I'm sure you'll figure out how to climb out.
These cooler mornings have meant that the three of us have enjoyed cuddles and tickles in bed once Daddy has left for work. We talk and play and Leo will tell you that he thinks you're, "coot," and "pwitty." Of course I agree. Phoebe, you bring our family so much joy. By the days end I am always exhausted but I go to bed with a heart that is full, thankful for the smiling faces that greet me each morning. I truly am the luckiest.
Happy four months my sweet girl, I love you forever.
Love Mum xx
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