Blogging Intentions

For a few years I wanted to take up blogging but there were many doubts that stopped me.

What would I write about? What's my vision? My angle? What if I ran out of things to write about? Do I really have anything to say? Would anyone besides my parents actually read it? Am I just going to embarrass myself?

And then, I had Leo and became a stay-at-home-Mum. Not wanting to be that Mum who shared too many pictures of her child/ren on Facebook, but also aware that family and friends living far away were interested in said photos and the stories that accompanied them, the desire to start a blog returned.

I like reading stories and the longer my blog reading list became, the more I realised that the women behind them aren't so different from me. This gave me the confidence to simply start writing and trust that all those doubts would take care of themselves along the way.

I absolutely love having this outlet. Not only is it an escape (the technical side of blogger and a Facebook page are quite fascinating and have been challenging at times to navigate), but it's a way to refine my writing skills, share my photography, and most importantly, document this season of young family life.

My long (looong) term goal with the making of days is to build a large enough readership that allows me the opportunity to open this space up to sponsorship and advertising that matches my interests and that of my readers. I know this is years away because for some of my favourite blogs it took their writers anywhere between 6-9 years before this happened for them. I don't mind this chipping away business though. Good things take time and I'm glad to have this space in which to flex my blogging muscles.

I'll be honest though, those niggling feelings of self-doubt haven't completely left and I've often wondered if this entire experiment is a self-indulgent one on my part. I think that's the internal side of writing or pursing any craft really. You need some level of healthy ego to believe that you can do it and actually be good at it too. And that is always going to be in conflict with personal doubt and any criticism that comes your way.

I know my blog is far from perfect but hey, I've been doing it for less than nine months so there's still a lot to learn. One intentional and hopefully promising step I've taken recently though is making a Facebook page where I can share my posts and other little things from the Internet world that take my fancy.

If you've been reading along and find yourself returning, it would be lovely to connect with you here or via my Facebook page. It was Joel who encouraged me to do this. I'd been thinking about it for a while but again, those doubts, and then one night over dinner I tentatively shared my suggestion. Joel was super quick to encourage me to do it, "especially if you want to build a readership," he said. And I do. I would love to build a readership for this space.

I suppose this post was me wanting to take a moment to say a proper, "Hello" to my readers and thank you for your support and encouragement so far. It truly means the world to me.



  1. Hello 😃
    We love reading your Blog, keeps us in contact with you & your wonderful family.
    Keep up the good work!


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