Starting Again

Just like that, the new term begins. If there's one thing I enjoy about the beginning of a new term is that feeling of there being so much potential. If you're anything like me, you spend at least one morning of your holidays reflecting on what's past and planning for what's ahead. 

For some reason it's taken me a little while to find my groove this year. I think I've easily got caught up and distracted and lost sight of my direction and vision for my second year as a stay-at-home-Mum. Not that I had big plans. I mainly wanted to establish a good Morning Time routine with Leo and cultivate simplicity within our home. I've stopped and started way too many times and decided, enough. I desire both these things and believe that with some persistence, they can be achieved. In the light of a new term, everything feels possible doesn't it?

During the holidays, I went through every room of our house (excluding downstairs, I'm leaving that for now) and listed every cupboard, drawer, shelf and furniture that needed to be sorted, cleaned or removed. I've no doubt a large part of this desire to cleanse and purge our home of the unnecessary has a lot to do with a new babe joining us in December, but it seems as good a reason (and time) as ever to make a concerted start (again).  

I've been further inspired by Jodi after reading about the "15 minute rule." Every weekday this term, I intend to spend 15 minutes (or 30, depending) on completing one chore off my list. To help myself achieve this and stick to it, I'm planning to include the chore in my Morning Time with Leo. 

Now what do I mean about Morning Time? To put it simply, I mean time spent each day with Leo where together we cultivate a love of the good, the true and the beautiful. What that looks like is praying together, reading scripture and the lives of the saints, spending time outside, reading aloud, listening to music, singing, playing together and yes, even completing a chore. 

I've (very) roughly outlined a morning plan that includes all of the above in a way that merely tightens what already happens here of a morning. By being that tiny bit more disciplined though, I know I'll be more likely to stay motivated. I also know that our Morning Time won't happen perfectly every day (or any, for that matter because #toddlerlife amiright?) but the point is that I'm trying. 

What about you? What are your intentions for the new term? Whatever they may be, may they remain strong. 


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