Something New

I've known for a while now that the fringe hours, that brief hour before the babies wake and those delicious hours after they are asleep for the night, are the only hours I can steal for myself in this season of young family life.

After the kids are in bed for the night and the kitchen is clean, you'll usually find me watching something with Joel, reading a book or working on some embroidery. It's easy to relax in the evenings or play catch up with chores as can sometimes be the case. For the last month though I've been setting my alarm for 4:45am in order to rise before the children and get in some exercise. I always feel better for it and unless it happens first thing in the morning, it doesn't happen at all.

It sounds like I've got a good system doesn't it? But what I've still been missing is time to write in this space. It's easy enough to upload photos and write a line or two with children underfoot but anything more has had to wait. My drafts folder is getting full and there are posts I want to finish and posts I've been meaning to start.

So here's what I'm going to try.

One early morning I'm going to dedicate to writing here. Even if for a few minutes (as I can already hear Phoebe's happy coos and the pitter-patter of Leo's feet in his room) because those few minutes will add up.

Perhaps the biggest lesson I've learned this year with two small children is that there are many things that you can only chip away at bit by bit. But here's what those stolen minutes and early rising (which really hurts some days) can add up to: a completed 4 week exercise program, embroidered hoop art, a finished book, updated photo folders, and now, a blog post.


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