
Yesterday I turned 26. It was a good day. 

Presents from my love. 
It's nerdy, but I'm pretty excited about having my own external hard drive!
Cards from loved ones near and far.
Silverware from my Grandma.
Leo had a water fight.
With these two. 
He loved it. 
Uncle Gus surprised us by coming up for the day with my Dad. We weren't expecting him.
With my little love.
Before we went to lunch.
Birthday shoes and pretty dresses.
Raspberry Swirl Cupcake. 

Not pictured: dirty nappies that still needed changing, food on the floor- again, dishes that needed washing, laundry that needed hanging, tears from a tired little boy, dirt and toys scattered on the lounge room floor. Little things that kept me humble, even on my birthday.


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