So Long, Farewell

Last week a close family friend passed away.

Earlier this week he was laid to rest. 

It was an absolute pleasure to know Peter and God willing, we will meet him again in a place of brightness, where all sickness, sighing and sorrow has fled away. For now, we remember him each night during our Evening Prayers as we pray for our loved ones who have reposed. 

The photos below have taken on special meaning as Leo is our only child who had the good fortune to meet and be loved by Peter. These were taken the day they met. 

 Singing a song, as Peter was wont to do.
No, Peter isn't poking Leo in the eye. He's stroking his nose. 

In this past week, whenever I've thought of Peter, along with remembering his vast knowledge of Australian history, his generosity and merry spirit, the love he had for his wife and the number of country drives our families took together over the years, I've also thought of a cheeky song he'd always sing.

The power of YouTube. Would you believe I found the full version?

Enjoy xx


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