How I Stay Organised

The alternative title for this post was going to be: How I get stuff done with Leo around and intend to keep getting stuff done with two under two. I thought that was too wordy though.

While the first few months after having a baby are fantastic because very little is expected of you ("You just had a baby! Let me do this/that/the other!"), the time eventually comes when people expect you to actively participate in society once again. For me as a stay-at-home-Mum, a large part of that, aside from raising Leo, is keeping house. So I started a little habit once a newborn Leo and I had found our rhythm.

Above is a fairly typical scene at our house. Sometime over the weekend I'll spend a few minutes thinking about the week ahead; planning our meals, writing down the specific house chores that need doing, any appointments to attend, calls to be made, whatever. I also make a list of the posts I want to write each week. While there may be weeks where very little gets done (I'm getting better at not overshooting, especially when I know I have a busy week out and about), I find it helpful to have this list to refer to as the week goes on. I also know if I don't write something down, I will inevitably forget about it and it'll come back to bite me somehow.

I find it far less stressful to have a weekly to-do list than a daily one because there's some days where it's a struggle to even see the bed get made. A weekly list takes the pressure off and allows me to enjoy my days with Leo. I know that if something doesn't get done today, there's always tomorrow and should tomorrow not come, well, I'll be happy I didn't spend my last day sweeping and mopping.

As the year draws to a close I've noticed a few stores are beginning to stock 2016 diaries and while I've been a faithful Frankie Diary owner in years past, I'm branching out next year and trying this one from Kikki K instead.

Below is why.

A week to a page with an accompanying page of notes! This is what dreams are made of!

I've loved using the Frankie diary but since beginning my weekly to-do list, I've used it less as I refer to my notebook each week before my diary. It always bothered me too, how the size of the page was never fully utilised. There was always too much space left at the top of each page that depending on the print for the month, may or may not be good to write on. First world problems I know, but now I'll have everything in one place. I'm already thinking about how I can best colour-code and breakdown the diary/notes pages to best suit me. Nerdy Jess is super pumped!


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