
"A portrait of my son, once a week, every week, in 2015."

"Goh," says Leo, hands up in the air.  
"Gone?" questions Mummy, mimicking his action. 

We spent a lot of time on the front patio this week playing with toys, or in the case of this particular photo, an orange. Leo spent a good twenty minutes or so throwing the orange down the stairs, telling me it was 'goh,' walking down the stairs to retrieve the orange, climbing back up the stairs and repeating the whole scene again. I think he may have got confused halfway through about what gone means, as he often stopped to tell me it was gone after he'd retrieve it. 

"Not gone, Leo. You're holding it," reminds Mummy. 
"Goh," says Leo.

As always, joining with Jodi from Practising Simplicity


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