
"A portrait of my son, once a week, every week, in 2015."

I was too late in getting my camera out to capture the picture I really wanted, but this is a very close second. Leo was playing with the door, closing it and then slowly opening it again. I would see these bright eyes peeking out, soon followed by a dummy grin. It was a good morning.

A friend asked me recently what I've been doing with Leo during the day. Our days look a lot like this. Playing with whatever is close by (be it a door, pegs, or an actual toy), climbing, cuddling, tickling and of course, lots of kisses (which may or may not involve the constant fear of baby teeth grazing my cheeks). Our days are quiet and many are spent in the comfort of home, but I wouldn't have them any other way. 

As always, joining with Jodi from Practising Simplicity.


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