Letter to Phoebe- Three Months

Dear sweet girl, 

Wasn't I just writing to you yesterday about reaching two months? Oh how this month has flown! We've thoroughly enjoyed watching your little personality take further shape. You greet each day with bright eyes and happy coos and we all lose time watching you. 

If there's one thing everyone has noticed about you it's how eager you are to sit up and be on the move. Your little body is almost in constant motion. This month you learnt how to roll from your front to your back which was rather exciting to see. You love tummy time and squeal excitedly whenever you're placed on your mat. You're not far off learning to roll from your back to your front either as I've recently discovered. I suppose I shouldn't be surprised as you were an active baby while in utero. 

You have a strong grip and still like to hold my finger while you feed. We spend a lot of time on the lounge room floor while Leo plays nearby. He'll always stop mid-play and sit beside you to say Hello or give a hearty, "Yay, Bebe!" He cannot wait until you are big enough to play with him and I'm sure that will be something your Daddy and I will never tire of seeing. For now though, Leo is thrilled to share the occasional bath or 'help' change your nappy. He misses you when you're sleeping and if I'm not mistaken I think you enjoy his company too, however loud it may be. The smiles you two share are enough to melt anyone's heart and it is so very special to watch your relationship grow. 

Whenever I've had to dress or swaddle you of late, I've found it near impossible to resist tickling your little ribs and kissing your chubby cheeks. You flinch and giggle, well, as much as you are able to at present. It's the best. I know you'll have an infectious laugh and I can't wait to hear it. 

We go for a walk most mornings, Leo in the pram and you strapped to my chest. Seeing you in your little pink hat would have to be the most adorable sight. You always fall asleep and your face looks so soft and squishy as you burrow into my chest.

You are growing and doing so well in every way and we are so thankful. Life with you is simply delightful. 

Happy three months, baby girl.

Love Mum xx


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